Our lives are now forever changed. Both girls are in formal school, and frankly, I don't know how I'm we're supposed to feel about this alteration in our existence. Of course, there is the excitement of what is to come next, feeling the true joy of a kid so excited she can hardly stand it she doesn't even wait for us to walk her to her classroom (note the blond in the picture below).
Then there is the nervousness of going to a new school - will they make new friends? Be accepted and loved? (Echoing those thoughts of the one in red).
Followed by the feeling of happiness that they have each other and seem to so enjoy each other's company for the most part.
But I think the real, most pure and true feeling, is that sense of overwhelming chaos quietly enveloping us all. First it takes over us individually (I believe this affects the mama the most). It follows by spreading throughout the household and then seeps out into the street, where you find, every other house probably is experiencing the same feeling. And eventually, this chaos of kids+school+work+life begins to feel familiar and you realize, it's all worth it, and you might actually be enjoying yourself :o)
Happy First Day of School!!!