Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sledding Hill

This winter has been brutal.  I don't think I'm alone in saying so either, it's been tough everywhere from the midwest to the east coast.  In fact, I think the below picture sums up how the winter has felt fairly well.

So when the temperature soared today to be close to 20F, we took the opportunity to enjoy the balmy weather - sledding style.

 Frigid - arctic blasts - have one positive, they make for super fast sledding hills.  If you couple this ice-snow hill with the current ongoing Olympic sport of skeleton, you end up with children who have no fear.

To our local Emergency Room's dismay, this head first challenge did not result in a visit.  In fact, I think the girls would challenge the hill to even greater risk if they could figure out how to make the trip down faster and more dangerous.

And the fun wasn't limited to them, Joe and I went several times as well.

Fun times for sure.

Love these people.

Bring on the hot chocolate.