The first day of school is filled with excitement. I was greeted at 5.50am this morning by one blond 2nd grader in anticipation of her big day. We went through approximately 4 outfit changes and 2 hairdos before she was ready to go out the door.
The older one was more decisive. One outfit, one hairdo, waking up 1 hour before she needed to. I love that they are so different.
This first day of school is the culmination of a whirlwind of a month. At one point our family was spread as far as almost humanly possible. With Joe in Uganda, the girls in Virginia and myself in Minnesota, we were spread far and each had our own experiences. Joe's experiences are by far the most
unique, but I'm convinced that the girls experiences were just as impactful on their young lives. Seeing parts of the country they had never seen before.
Photo credit for the Kansas Photos - Grandpa |
And "driving" things they had not before.
There were so many great experiences for which I am thankful. Time with both sets of grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. Amazing. Somehow it all works out, and the most challenging part is explaining exactly what your family is doing "this summer". Full disclosure: At the end of August it was a little amusing to get the full reaction of saying "Africa, Virginia, Minnesota, Work, Family, School and Work".
I am fully expecting - and looking forward to - an equally amusingly illogical year that will show blessings we cannot comprehend.