Friday, October 14, 2011

And the oldest turned 7....

Today was someone's birthday. Think she was excited?

It started with a sugar-filled cinnamon roll and store packaged brownies - a detail only put in because while I understand the rules of the school, can anything prepackaged be better than homemade?  Linnea actually declared it a great thing that there were extras she brought home.  I am not as excited - someone else will have to eat them.  The family birthday party then commenced.  We began with presents from the grandparents (all pictures are not shown for the sanity of those viewing).
Special Gymnastics Leotard

Willa....toy of the future who is HI-LARRR-I-OUS. Why do fish live in salt water? Because pepper makes them sneeze....and the girls laugh for about 5 minutes.
 And then we had a scavenger hunt for her presents from us....
I just love this shirt....

Leading up to....(drum roll please).....her new bike!

This was followed by Linnea's dinner of choice.  Which I just have to comment on, since my stomach is still in recovery mode.  Last year, she requested fish sandwiches and salad for her birthday dinner.  I was so proud - my child, wanting a fairly healthy meal - for her birthday dinner.  This year, let's just say, reality has hit...specific requests including Kool-Aid were made, AND the only healthy request is not currently available (cantaloupe).  This is a picture of a dinner filled with nothing but love - and a side of liquid sugar.

The birthday cake was my latest attempt to make the delicious, but impossible cake to make look sophisticated, chocolate-whipped cream cake.Luckily, it tastes better than it looks ;)

Birthday wishes were made.

I don't think Natalie had a bad time either.

And the final event was a special delivery from Nana and Grandad.

Followed by a movie. I sit down....Natalie says, I can't wait until we do all of this for MY birthday. Well, some of us can wait, just a little bit.

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