Sunday, September 2, 2012


We recently went to pick raspberries at a local orchard.  One of the more interesting parts of the trip wasn't actually the picking of the fruit, but the reaction to it. 

Not exactly a glowing review. Perhaps this means we are reaching a new stage?  Meanwhile, the youngest intrigued us with her choice of hat placement, because it does seem rather hard to pick raspberries if you cannot actually see.

But after they were told they could eat as many raspberries as they wanted, the mood shifted a bit and Natalie decided that sight was actually an important component.

After a successful round of picking, the two were rewarded with some of the other activities available. One of the activities was a cow train, which I feel is enough explanation - we do live in Minnesota after all.

Which was followed by a round on the bouncing field.

Now, what to make with about 3 pounds of raspberries?
...Just for fun, here's what it takes to try and get a good family picture....

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