Saturday, January 3, 2015

Over the River and Through the Woods

Who doesn't love a good 20 hour car ride? Even better.  Who doesn't love a good 20 hour car ride with 2 kids and a dog in a sedan?  Sounds like a movie title.  We don't particularly love the drive, BUT, we do love to go visit family in Virginia. And some of us, particularly those with reddish hair, love to play the piano.

This trip was characterized by the word, "flexible", and I loved it.  Unfortunately plans changed and then rechanged due to illness; however, the more relaxed atmosphere was most welcome. Christmas started off with a box.  A big box.  One that made us suspect the grandparents had an alternative plan up their sleeves to potentially "keep" some children...hmmm.

Then all of the Norman grandkids received a gift which was a hit, literally. And no, no one shot their eye out ;)

And Natalie was able to celebrate her birthday for the 2nd time (1st time was in Minnesota before driving).

Two days later we pushed repeat, this time at Nana and Granddad's house. Seeing the anticipation on the kids' faces was priceless.

And of course, Natalie got to celebrate her birthday a 3rd time.  For all of the doubters regarding a Christmas birthday...I am not convinced she gets slighted in the least.

And of course, we were able to see almost everyone. Especially considering my Grandparent's 65th wedding anniversary party.  WOW!  65 Years.

Crazy pic shown because...well, it's much more true to life ;)
I hope Joe can feed me cake like this when we've been married for 65 years. How blessed.

We then piled back into the car and somehow magically returned in 19 hours....All in all, a fantastic trip, but it's always nice to come home. Happy New Year!

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