Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Power of Snow

There is something about snow.  
To convince the kiddos to play in the cold sans snow results in about a 5 minute round of soccer before the plea of coming inside ensues. There will be multiple complaints of how 'it's too cold' at the balmy temperature of 35 degrees, and it will likely take about 15-20 minutes to 'get ready' (the phrase 'I can't find....' is usually involved).

Then it snows, and not only do they want to play outside when it is 17 degrees, they want to roll around in it....
...drag each other through it.... in it....
....and just generally play in it at 7:30 in the MORNING!! (Hence the dark photos...). As a side note, it took literally 3 minutes for them to get ready.

This is one of the reasons that we enjoy living in the Midwest.
The real test will be in March - will this love of snow still be there?  Only time will tell. But for now, we'll enjoy the snow and the hot cocoa that follows afterward.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chocolate Fever

With the new school, come the new school projects.

Interesting that of all the projects that would have relevance to chocolate, Linnea chose to make a game.

Even though her teacher suggested projects such as a chocolate tasting.  Sometimes I wonder if we're really related.

But she likes to play games, so we had some fun today.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Playing Around

I'm really enjoying our Saturdays. I'm also enjoying the friendship that our girls have.

We were blessed with another mild day of fall, which almost always includes a nice walk.

Despite the brown and cloudy surroundings, it was a beautiful day.  We found a playground and enjoyed playing around.

And Willow watched and wished to be playing around (her enjoyment off-leash must occur elsewhere).

There is something about playing around - it's beautifully simple.  
We forget that things that seem simple and enjoyable can be also so necessary, for health and sanity.  
Make sure you make time to play around a little bit this week.